0 ©CA81 CA81
Richaud Odile
Fruits and derivative products, Vegetables and by-products, Soft drinks

Richaud Odile

Melons, watermelons, squash, table grapes, tomatoes, apples, apple juice and vegetables, soft wheat, alfalfa.

Sales at markets in Gaillac (Noctambio, Friday and Sunday), Cordes sur Ciel and Rabastens (Saturday).
Sales in grocery shops in Castelnau de Montmiral, Cordes, Vaour, ...

  • French


Organic Farming (AB) Nature and Progress

Further information


  • Sale on the markets
  • Sale on collective point of sale

Types of products

  • Fruits and derivative products
  • Vegetables and by-products
  • Soft drinks


Free of charge.

Richaud Odile
Fontabelle 81140 Castelnau-de-Montmiral
06 28 48 13 40

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