3 ©Dastugue Dastugue
Nature and environment activities - Anne-Claire Dastugue
Activity providers

Nature and environment activities – Anne-Claire Dastugue

Outings, activities and workshops around nature and the environment to discover, marvel at and strengthen our links with the living world around us. Let's get together to enjoy rich experiences of nature that are accessible to all.

Experience the joy of the outdoors together,
Reconnecting with our senses and creativity - with our heads, hearts and hands,
Exploring the possibilities for a more sustainable future.

1) Nature walks: Discovering life all around us.
Let's get together around Cordes to explore its secret and wild surroundings: a moment in parenthesis, to reconnect with nature.
- The landscape and its history,
- Plants and their uses.
- Animals and their tracks.
- Local legends linked to this rich environment.
- Games, harvests and crafts with nature...
And us, humans, in relation to what surrounds us,
on the lookout, all our senses alert...

2) Outdoor activities
- Clay workshop: ‘Landscapes and characters on the loose’.
- Green music: making natural and recycled instruments.
- Huts, sticks and bits of string workshop.
- All our senses awake’ workshops: touching, smelling, tasting, listening to nature...
- Discovering wild plants, making herbariums.
- Cui-cui les petits oiseaux": recognising birds and their songs, making nests.
- Buzzing and fluttering": insects and flowers working together!
- Our friends the trees": discovering trees, games and creations.
- Welcoming biodiversity: making nest boxes for solitary bees, feeders, insect hotels, hedgehog shelters, etc.
- Animal tracks: ideas for genies, footprints and signs of presence.
- Nature in the City’ walk: wildlife in our streets and gardens.
- Let's take a walk in the woods": fun outings on the paths.
- Farm visits: ‘Where does our food come from?
- Taste and food education workshops: Food Fresco, ‘Fabulous legumes’, anti-gaspi cooking, fun tastings, etc.
- Living wicker and basketry.
- Making recycled paper: raising awareness of waste and the circular economy.
- Do-it-yourself household products and cosmetics, tawashis, beewraps...
- Composting workshop: ‘Our waste: gold for the earth!
- A natural and recycled Christmas’ workshop.
- Egg hunt and nature rally.
- Educational vegetable garden, shared gardens, tree planting, spring sowing.
- Plant swap.
- Forest garden projects.

3) Workshops for cultural venues, media libraries and museums
- Nature inspires artists’.
The place of nature in different art forms: music, poetry, visual arts.
+ writing/plant painting workshop
- Ombre sur l'herbe douce": Around Haïkus
Nature in poetry, discovering short forms from Japan.
+ Writing workshop
- An explosion of colours": Nature and painting
The history of nature in painting
+ Do-it-yourself vegetable paint workshop
- Travelling seeds": The genius of plants
Discover plant dissemination strategies
+ Making seed bombs or seeded paper
- Nature and us’ afternoon tea: readings, fables and discussions
A time to ask questions and exchange ideas about our relationship with nature + A natural snack to share

Cycles can be put together to suit the season, the audience and the venue.
Sessions are punctuated by alternating naturalist contributions, appeals to the imagination and concrete practice, always based on the principles of active teaching.

Approaches used :
- Raising awareness of environmental issues and sustainable development: discovering nature and its cycles, protecting biodiversity, composting, waste, etc.
- A sensitive and creative approach: sensory games, natural plastic arts, music in the bush, writing workshops, readings, etc.
- Learning to do things yourself: DIY, natural gardening, zero waste, recycling, etc.
- Themed walks and outings: local flora and fauna, storytelling and writing walks, landscape reading, natural and cultural heritage, links with the farming world, etc.
- Events and festivals: AlimenTerre Festival, Fête de la Nature, Troc aux Plantes, etc.

But also: project coordination, support for structures and professionals

- Projects to reduce waste, prevent food wastage and compost
- Biodiversity zones, educational gardens, seed libraries
- Organisation of festivals and awareness-raising events

- Support for eco-responsible approaches and links with the living world
In schools, early childhood centres, medico-social centres, care homes, businesses and local authorities

- Family projects and support for parenthood
In conjunction with social centres, social living spaces, the CAF, etc.

- École du Dehors / ‘Let's build our school together
Workshops and regular visits to a natural area close to the classroom

- Educational land areas
French Office for Biodiversity educational programme

- Eco-Délégués programmes
National Education programme for secondary schools

- Food Solidarity’ projects to combat food insecurity
Local food projects and food aid associations

A wide range of projects can be tailored to suit the objectives and specific characteristics of each organisation and its environment.

  • English, Spanish, French
  • Check, Cash


All year round.


Depending on the length and format of the walks and workshops on offer.
Adults: between €10 and €20
Children: between €8 and €15.

Nature and environment activities – Anne-Claire Dastugue
81170 Cordes sur Ciel
06 43 69 33 11

In picture

Carte clair
Carte foncée
Carte zone 1
Carte zone 2
Carte zone 3
Carte zone 4
Carte zone 5