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Restaurant de l'Hôtel La Métairie
Fast food

Restaurant de l’Hôtel La Métairie

Automatic restaurant: self-service catered dishes from a vending machine available 24/7, to be eaten on site (microwave available).

Sample dishes: Axoa of duck and potatoes, turkey curry and pressed carrots - Marinated chicken fillet with vegetable pasta and basil pesto...
Access through a door separate from the hotel.
GR Conques-Toulouse hiking route 2km away

  • German, English, French, Russian, Czech, Slovakian
  • Bank/credit card
  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs

Further information


  • Fish
  • Traditional French cooking


  • Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes
  • Shady grounds
  • Reception room
  • Car park
  • Park
  • Private parking
  • Baby chair


  • Accommodation
  • Wi-fi
  • Tourist brochures


  • Maximum number of seats : 36
  • Maximum number of seats on the terrace : 25


All year round, daily.


A la carte: from 9.90 €.

Restaurant de l’Hôtel La Métairie
444 Rue de Laborde 81170 Cordes sur Ciel
06 60 89 84 17 06 58 48 15 55

Carte clair
Carte foncée
Carte zone 1
Carte zone 2
Carte zone 3
Carte zone 4
Carte zone 5