0 ©Gérard Négrié Gérard Négrié
balade amédée le vigneron
Pedestrian sports, Hiking itinerary

Œnorando® In the Footsteps of Amédée the winegrower

The trail leaves the town of Rabastens to venture up the hillsides among the vines.

Remains of the past, typical Gaillac dovecote... Magnificent view of the Salvagnac hillsides.

  • French


Free access.

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step

1. From the Rabastens cellar, head towards the town centre, then turn right into a street. You will come to a crossroads. 2. Turn left into rue des Ormes. At the crossroads in front of a retirement home, turn right and continue straight ahead to a stop sign. Turn right, then immediately left into avenue de la Croix-Blanche. 3. Go straight up the road until you come to a crow's-foot at a place called les Bordes. 4. Continue along the road. First pass a dovecote , then near a well and, finally, go straight up on a grassy track level with the Trémège. This leads to a road. 5. Turn right. Before Fourtet, at a bend in the road, turn right onto a grassy path. Reach a crossroads of grassy paths with orientation tables 6. Go left down a track that runs alongside vineyards. Walk for around 400 m, then turn right at a crossroads onto a grassy right onto a grassy track and continue until you come to a crossroads. 7. Go straight down a grassy track. In a bend after a house a house, reach an orientation table 8. Go down the steps to the left and continue straight ahead. At bottom of the path, turn right onto a dirt track. After 500 m, at the corner of a house, turn left to go round the Rabastens school complex. At the road, turn left to get back to the starting point.

Œnorando® In the Footsteps of Amédée the winegrower
81800 Rabastens
00 33 (0)805 400 828

Carte clair
Carte foncée
Carte zone 1
Carte zone 2
Carte zone 3
Carte zone 4
Carte zone 5