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Domaine public
Recreational activities, Picnic area

Sainte-Cécile-du-Cayrou picnic area

You'll find a number of picnic tables ideally located to give you a breathtaking 360° view of the Grésigne forest. Take a seat at one of these tables for a totally relaxing experience in a breathtaking natural setting.

Whether you want to share a meal with the family or enjoy a moment of peace and quiet, these areas have been designed to ensure your peace and quiet. The beauty of the forest surrounds you, inviting you to make the most of every moment.

  • French


Free access.

Sainte-Cécile-du-Cayrou picnic area
Eglise Ste Cécile 81140 Sainte-Cécile-du-Cayrou
00 33 (0)5 63 33 11 50

Carte clair
Carte foncée
Carte zone 1
Carte zone 2
Carte zone 3
Carte zone 4
Carte zone 5