Events / Travel, Events Agency
Open Skye Moment
Open Skye Moment is an events agency that organises 100% women's days based around wellbeing, sport and local tourism, where you can relax in exceptional villas.
These days are a relaxing break in our busy lives.
It's a chance to learn about yourself, challenge yourself, exchange ideas, share and taste the delights of Occitan Tuscany.
Exceptional estates, châteaux and private villas for the day
We select a prestigious venue to pamper you in an idyllic setting.
100% well-being, sport and natural health workshops.
We offer beauty, sports and creative well-being services to help you take care of yourself.
Quality service providers.
We put the spotlight on local professionals selected for their passion for each other and their profession.
Brunch and delicacies
We offer a brunch and self-service treats and drinks throughout the day, so you won't miss a thing.
- French
From 11/01/2024 to 21/05/2026.