1 ©Florence Peloux Florence Peloux
Florence Peloux
Cereals and derivative products

Peloux Florence

Organic farm and Nature and progress label. Farm-grown wheat varieties for on-farm bread-making and forage areas.

Our naturally leavened bread is available on our rounds of the Cordais area: Vindrac, Cordes, Salles sur Cérou, Monestiès, Tonnac, Itzac, Loubers, Andillac, Lintin, Frausseilles, Amarens, Noailles, Villeneuve sur Vère, Castanet, St Croix, Côte de Mascrabière, as well as on Tuesday evenings at Amap Albi-la Madeleine.

  • French


Organic Farming (AB) Nature and Progress

Further information


  • Sale on collective point of sale
  • Home delivery

Types of products

Cereals and derivative products
Peloux Florence
la curade 81170 Vindrac-Alayrac
05 63 56 26 65

In picture

Carte clair
Carte foncée
Carte zone 1
Carte zone 2
Carte zone 3
Carte zone 4
Carte zone 5