journaux, presse, articles La Toscane Occitane
journaux, presse, articles La Toscane Occitane

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La Toscane Occitane Tourist Office winner at the Trophées de la Communication 2022

Trophées de la Communication 2022
Trophées de la Communication 2022

The 21st COMMUNICATION TROPHIES were awarded on Friday 25 November 2022 in Paris in the prestigious Gustave Eiffel room on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower.

La Toscane Occitane Tourist Office was the winner in 2 categories:

- 3rd place in the Best Tourism Website category

- 4th place in the category Best information magazine produced by a public body

307 structures were represented and 492 files were received by the office this year.

After the merger between the Bastides et Vignoble du Gaillac Tourist Office and the Pays Cordais Tourist Office in the Pays de Vaour in January 2022, and the creation of the La Toscane Occitane brand, it is with pride that we welcome the recognition of a successful team effort.

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